
Born in 1938 as Philturn Rockymountain Scoutcamp, today's Philmont Scout Ranch is a bustling center for high adventure and training. Youth and adults take advantage of the ranch's camping, training, and work programs. Most activity takes place during the summer, but Philmont also offers Autumn Adventure and Winter Adventure programs.

More than 950,000 Scouts, Venturers, and leaders have experienced the adventure of Philmont since the first camping season in 1939. Throughout its existence, conscientious attention to low-impact camping techniques have helped maintain the ranch's wilderness flavor.

The area surrounding the ranch is rich with history, from the Native Americans who made this arid land their home to the land barons of the 19th century. The town of Cimarron boasts a number of historical buildings, including the St. James Hotel—site of at least 26 killings during Cimarron's wilder days.


Philmont Scout Ranch is the Boy Scouts of America's largest national high-adventure base. Its 34 staffed camps and 55 trail camps provide an unforgettable adventure in the high country along hundreds of miles of rugged, rocky trails.


Philmont History

Over the course of many years, Philmont has been the home of Jicarilla Apache and Moache Ute Indians, a famous stop on the Santa Fe Trail, a prospecting community, and a working cattle ranch.

Contact Us

Contact information - including mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses- for both Philmont Scout Ranch and the Philmont Training Center.