A Letter from Floyd County Conservation

A Letter from Floyd County

November 1, 2012

Dear Todd, Ed, and Larry:

On behalf of Laura and I and the Floyd County Conservation Board, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you personally for your efforts in making it possible for the WSR and it’s Scouting tradition to remain available to the general public.

We appreciate your working in concert with the disposition committee which gave us the confidence to continue forward with fundraising, pursuing Conservation Board and Board of Supervisors support, and bringing on board Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation.

Todd- Thank you for welcoming us to the meeting on October 25. Your professional demeanor did much to make us both feel at ease in a sea of strangers.

Ed- Thank you for meeting with us and members of the disposition committee on August 22nd and clarifying the intent of the Council to find the “best fit”.

Larry- Your overall leadership throughout this long process was much appreciated.

Finally, we appreciate your show of confidence in our organization as the “best fit” for this valuable asset. We do not take lightly the responsibility that shall soon be ours. We look forward to the challenge of blending the needs of Scouts while providing recreational opportunities for the citizens for North Iowa.

Yours in Conservations,

Doug Schroeder