Make Sure You Sign Up For Your Jamboree Activities ASAP!
Jamboree Scouts, Venturers, and Parents,
Curriculum activity selection opened at least four weeks ago, and will be open for 90 days total. All participants should have received an email describing the process and the activities available (a number of the participants we have talked to did receive this message). Activities are not first-come, first-served. Participants need to sign onto their Summit account (cannot register for activities from a parent account). Participants then need to rank their curriculum activity preferences from top to bottom and submit when complete. They can come back later within the 90 day time frame and change the order of their preferences. No more changes can be made when the selection period ends. Jamboree will then run a computer program to provide as many first choices as possible to the participants, and if you don’t get your first choice it will then go to the second choice, and so on. We hope this information helps with curriculum activity selection. Please let us know if there are questions or concerns. Thank you.
Chris Klaren
Jamboree Committee Chair