Team Benny and the Jets Needs YOU

Team Benny and the Jets Needs YOU

Last year, the Winnebago Council sponsored a Rookie FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics Team. We had a great year and won a ticket to the state championship with the INSPIRE award. At state, we were recognized with a special Judges Award for Perseverance. It was a fantastic effort for our first year, but now we want to include you in the opportunity.

We are looking for some more youth members for our team (grades 7-12) as well as adult coaches and mentors who can help make our year a success! We’re not yet sure what the mission for Benny, our Robot, will be, but we have many new parts and a donation from the Crossroads Rotary Club to help our team this year.

If you are interested in this great STEM opportunity, please contact Janell Wright, [email protected], for more information. You can also check out information on FTC as well as other STEM initiatives at