2014 Volunteer Recognition Event Information

Winnebago Council Volunteer Recognition Event will be held on Sunday, February 9th beginning with dinner at 1 pm and our awards ceremony at 2 pm. This event will be held at the Castle Room on the campus of Wartburg College in Waverly. Volunteers will be recognized with several awards and will include the prestigious Silver Beaver awards for outstanding contributions to Scouting. Cost is $20 per person and includes dinner.

Sun Rivers District Volunteer Recognition Dinner will be on Friday, March 28th at the UAW Hall in Waterloo. All unit and district level volunteers from Sun Rivers District are invited to attend this dinner and recognize your fellow volunteers for their efforts in helping Scouting during the 2013 Scout year. We will recognize our 2013 Class of Eagle Scouts, award the Pillars of the Pack, Timbers of the Troop, and District Awards of Merit. The 2013 Eagle Scouts will be able to eat for free, all others will cost $10 per person or $25 for a family of three or more. Nomination forms for each of the awards were in the November Roundtable files or you can contact Chris Kangas [email protected] to get a nomination form. Reception will start at 5, Dinner at 6, and awards at 630. We will also hold our district elections at this event and install our new district leadership.

Wabuha District Volunteer Recognition Dinner will be on Sunday, March 30th at First Christian Church in Cedar Falls. All unit and district level volunteers from Wabuha District are invited to attend this dinner and recognize your fellow volunteers for their efforts in helping Scouting during the 2013 Scout year. We will recognize our 2013 Class of Eagle Scouts, award the Sparkplugs of the Pack, Trunks of the Troop, various other district awards and our District Awards of Merit. The 2013 Eagle Scouts will be able to eat for free, all others will cost $12 per person. Nomination forms for each of the awards were in the November Roundtable files or you can contact Chris Kangas [email protected] to get a nomination form. Reception will begin at 4pm with dinner starting at 5pm and awards at 6 pm. We will also hold our district elections at this event and install our new district leadership.

Scout Service Center closed on January 24th and February 17th. The Winnebago Council Scout Service Center will be closed on Friday, January 24th for a staff planning day and on Monday, February 17th for President’s Day. The National Scout Supply Shop will be open in Waterloo on both days.