Cub Scout Leaders,
I hope everyone enjoyed the summer. I first want to thank everyone for all that YOU DO as a VOLUNTEER LEADER within your unit. School is back in session and for most this means Cub Scouting is full speed ahead once again. This also means that your Scouts are in a new Den. Boys have moved from being Tigers to Wolves, Wolves to Bears, and Bears to WEBELOS. These are super exciting times for the Scouts, their Akelas, family, friends and YOU. YOU make the program what IT IS!
We all need to do our part to ensure that we offer the absolute best program that we can. Part of this is completing the internet based training required to be considered a “TRAINED” leader and wear the “TRAINED” patch on the left sleeve of your uniform shirt. This patch lets everyone who has a vested interest in these young Scouts know firsthand that you care enough to be a trained leader.
You can accomplish all of this training in around 2 to 2 ½ hours. All you need to do is go to MyScouting.Org and set up an account if you haven’t already done so. This takes around 3 minutes. Once this is done you look at the left hand side of the MyScouting.Org home page and select E-LEARNING. Then do the following trainings under the Cub Scout category once you scroll down.
If you are a DEN LEADER complete the following:
- Youth Protection Training
- This is Scouting
- Den Leader Fast Start Training
- Leader Position – Specific Den Leader Training (select Tiger, Wolf, Bear, or WEBELO – for whatever Den you serve or will serve)
If you are a COMMITTEE MEMBER complete the following:
- Youth Protection Training
- This is Scouting
- Pack Committee Member Fast Start Training
- Leader Position – Specific Committee Member Training
If you are a CUBMASTER or ASSISTANT CUBMASTER complete the following:
- Youth Protection Training
- This is Scouting
- Cubmaster Fast Start Training
- Leader Position – Specific Cubmaster Training
Feel free to take any other trainings also (Physical Wellness, Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat and Weather Hazards) as well as any other positions in the training spectrum, as the more you know about Scouting and the different roles within the leadership of your Pack the better it and you will perform. Remember you are doing the training for the boys you serve, not yourself.
I recommend printing out your certificate and keeping it in a folder as well giving one to the Pack Trainer or whoever fills that role within your Pack. If you have any questions fill free to contact me at my email or telephone.
For further training opportunities look into taking Wood Badge, BALOO Training or OWL Training. Thank you for doing what you do and God bless.
Yours in Scouting,
Adam M. Galbraith
River Valley Cub Scout Training Committee Member
Winnebago Council
(319) 830-3028 cellular telephone