Unit Re-chartering Orientations to be Held in October

Unit Re-chartering is the annual registration process that all members of the Boy Scouts of America must complete to continue in the program. Over 90% of all Scouts and Scouters are registered through a Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, or Venturing Crew. These units must complete their re-chartering process between October and December 31 for the 2015 registration year. Costs are $24 per person for registration, an optional additional $12 if you subscribe to the Boys’ Life magazine, and $2 per person for secondary accident insurance that the Winnebago Council purchases for all of our units.

Each district will conduct a unit Re-Chartering Orientation in October. Unit Committee Chairs, Unit Leaders (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, and Venturing Advisor) and the person that will be completing the Re-charter paperwork should plan on attending these orientations. Units will receive their current list of registered adult leadership and youth participants at this orientation. To ensure the most accurate list, please make sure that all new youth applications and adult leadership changes have been submitted by September 26th. The on-line re-chartering process will be the preferred method again this year with the window open from November 1st until year-end.