It’s Unit Re-Chartering Time!

Unit re-chartering packet will be distributed at the October Roundtables.


Online re-chartering is available beginning October 1st this year. Units are encouraged to complete their paperwork at the earliest possible time, collect signatures, and submit them to their district executives. Units wishing to pay with their popcorn funds can indicate so on their paperwork. Our council goal is to achieve 100% of our re-charters completed in November of this year! Avoid the Holiday madness and get it done early!

Updated November 1, 2015:

It’s Re-charter Time! Units received their re-chartering packets at the October Roundtables and our on-line renewal window opened on October 1st. While many units have an experienced individual to handle the process for them we are also offering several opportunities to help. Your District Executive will have a laptop or computer station available at your November and December Roundtables, we will have a computer lab available at the River Valley Merit Badge College, and there is a work station set up at the Waterloo Service Center. If you need additional help, please ask your District Executive or Commissioner Staff. Thank you to all of the units that have already submitted their packets on-line.

New for 2015!-EZ Print Version. To help save paper we now have an EZ print option after you have submitted your re-charter electronically. This version will only print out the discrepancy page and Authorization page. These are the items needed to be sent to the Service Center along with your check, new applications, Annual Charter Agreement, Unit Authorization Form, and JTE worksheet. Don’t forget your $2 per registrant Supplemental Accident Insurance fees. These are not included in the on-line fees.