Looking for Summer Camp Staff 2017

Apply now for Summer Camp Staff 2017

2017 Ingawanis Cub Scout Camp Staff Application

For questions or concerns about Ingawanis staff applications, please call the Winnebago Council Service Center at (319) 234-2867 and ask for Keely Kangas. You may mail your application into the office or send it in by email:

Attention: Keely Kangas, 2929 Airport Blvd, Waterloo, IA 50703 [email protected]

Hiring Process has began and applications will be accepted for Camp Director and Program Director until November 25th, with top applicants receiving an interview the following week. For program positions, applicants can apply until January 1st. Interviews will begin the second week of January for those positions. Applications will continue to be collected until all positions are filled, so get yours in soon!

Updated October 26, 2016.