The “Guide to Advancement” Has Been Replaced

The “Guide to Advancement” Has Been Replaced

The Guide to Advancement (330088) has replaced the publication Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures and is the official Boy Scouts of America source on advancement procedures (2011). The new guide is available at:


Boy Scouting and Varsity Scouting

1. What does “active participation” mean? (“Active Participation,”
2. What are “positions of responsibility,” and how are they evaluated? (“Positions of Responsibility,”
3. Why require positions of “responsibility” rather than “leadership”? (“‘Responsibility’ and ’Leadership,’”
4. Must the unit leader (Scoutmaster) conference be the last step before a board of review? (“Unit Leader [Scoutmaster] Conference,”
5. May a Scout choose any registered merit badge counselor? (“Unit Leader Signs the Application for Merit Badge (“Blue Card”),
6. Is there a time limit between starting work on a merit badge and finishing it? What if requirements change? (“Partial Completions,”; “What to Do When Requirements Change,”
7. Can a Scout be denied a board of review? (“Boards of Review Must Be Granted When Requirements Are Met,”
8. What if parents insist on attending a board of review? (“Conducting the Board of Review,”
9. What happens if board of review members cannot unanimously agree on a decision? (“Board Members Must Agree Unanimously on Decisions to Approve,”

The Eagle Scout Rank

1. May Eagle candidates choose board of review members? (“Composition of Board of Review,”
2. Shouldn’t an Eagle Scout candidate be in uniform for his board of review? (“Wearing the Uniform— or Neat in Appearance,”
3. How are Eagle Scout boards of review different from those for the other ranks? (“Board of Review Particulars for the Eagle Scout Rank,”
4. What if an Eagle Scout candidate cannot participate in a board of review right away? (“Eagle Scout Board of Review Beyond the 18th Birthday,”
5. May an adult who completed the Eagle Scout requirements, but was not so recognized, still receive the rank? (“Eagle Scout Board of Review Beyond the 18th Birthday,”
6. How is the decision of a board of review appealed? (“Appealing a Decision,”
7. Must the council retain Eagle Scout reference documents? (“References Contacted,” 8. May an Eagle Scout board of review be delayed until all references respond? (“References Contacted,”
9. Is there a standard number of helpers or hours for Eagle Scout service projects? (“Give Leadership to Others . . .,”
10. Must an Eagle Scout service project beneficiary be a nonprofit organization? (“Helpful to Any Religious Institution, Any School, or Your Community,”
11. What if an Eagle Scout service project is not approved prior to beginning? (“Proposal Must Be Approved . . . Before You Start,”
12. What if the benefiting organization changes its mind about a project? (“Proposal Must Be Approved . . . Before You Start,”
13. What if an Eagle Scout project is denied final approval? (“Evaluating the Project After Completion,”
14. How does a Scout receive an extension of time to achieve the Eagle Scout rank? (“Time Extensions,”

Special-Needs Scouting

1. Can a boy with a disability of any severity become a Boy Scout? How can he participate and advance? Does he need to join a “special” unit? (“Advancement for Members With Special Needs,”
2. What kinds of allowances are made for special needs members? (“Advancement Flexibility Allowed,”

BSA issued new editions of ALL of the merit badge pamphlets on August 1, 2008. The primary change to most of the pamphlets was the introduction of color photographs and diagrams, and new covers. The actual text and requirements, in most cases did not change from the previous editions. In some cases, however, the new editions do contain new information, and new requirements. If the copyright date in the new pamphlet is not 2008 or later, the text in the pamphlet, including the requirements, did not change, only the cover and illustrations. In addition, two of the old pamphlets, for the Architecture and Landscape Architecture Merit Badges were combined into a single pamphlet, although the Merit Badges remain separate and distinct from each other. Also, one Merit Badge, Auto Mechanics, was renamed to Automotive Maintenance, (and the emblem on the badge was changed). Although a new edition of the Lifesaving merit badge pamphlet was issued, the requirements did not change. However, the footnote relative to alternative requirements for the Second Class and First Class rank swimming requirements was deleted.

The new Robotics Badge, Pamphlet, and Kits were formally rolled out on April 12, 2011.

The new Chess Badge and Pamphlet was formally rolled out on September 7 2011.

The new Welding badge and pamphlet was released by BSA, and Scouts could begin earning the badge on February 24, 2012.

The new Kayaking badge and pamphlet was released by BSA, and Scouts could begin earning the badge on June 13, 2012.

The new Search and Rescue badge and pamphlet was released by BSA, and Scouts could begin earning the badge on August 20 2012.

I can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected] or through the Council Service Center at 319-234-2867.

Yours in Scouting,

Daniel F. King

Winnebago Council Advancement Chair – VP Administration

Pehachpamhangick Achtyou (Seafaring Antelope)