Pack 3179 Holds Arrow of Light Ceremony

On November 19, 2015, the Cub Scout Pack 3179 from Lincoln Elementary in Cedar Fall honored its 2nd year Webelos that had fulfilled all of the necessary requirements to earn the Arrow of Light award, the highest award in Cub Scouting. The boys who achieved Arrow of Light are:

Ethan Meyer, son of Marty and Lora

Anthony Garbes, son of Tina

Joey Stichter, son of Jim and Mary
Colby Cryer, son of JD and Laura

Ethan Meyer and Anthony Garbes joined Boy Scout Troop 500 during this ceremony as well. Pack 3179 was assisted by Troop 500 of Cedar Falls for the meeting. We know all of the boys will do their best going forward and proudly representing the Boy Scouts of America.

The Pack also collected 50 pounds of food for the North East Iowa Food Bank at this meeting!