Wartburg is hosting “Tough Knight Mud Run” on May 17, 2014, at Ingawanis Adventure Base. You can register at www.active.com by searching Tough Knight Mud Run. It is $35 and includes a t-shirt. Sign up today!
Author: Council Admin
Lakeland Merit Badge College, A Success!
Lakeland Merit Badge College was a great success this year! Here are some pictures to recap the festivities.
Pack 69 Celebrates at Blue and Gold
Waverly Pack 69 celebrated the 104th anniversary of Scouting in the United States and the 51st year of it’s charter with St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Sunday, February 16. Following an advancement ceremony and the installation of its new Cubmaster, Amber McLey, the Cubs demonstrated feats of skills, concluding with a banquet with a blue and gold cake.
Pack 4002 Out of Mason City Builds Squirrel Feeders
Pack 4002 Out of Mason City Builds Squirrel Feeders- click here to see pictures!
Spring Fling is Back for 2014
Cub Scouts wanting to get out to camp early for an extra Day Camp opportunity should plan on attending the Spring Fling at Ingawanis Adventure Base on Saturday, May 10th. Cub Scouts can sign up as individuals (with adult), as dens, or as packs to attend this fun activity with all of the excitement of camp. BB Guns, Archery, Horseback Arena Rides, Games, and Crafts are planned.
Become a COPE/Climbing Instructor for Your Three Local BSA Councils!
You don’t need experience and you don’t have to be a member of the Boy Scouts of America to join in on this Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience!