If you’re interested in becoming a unit leader for the 2015 World Jamboree in Japan, you’re going to want to fill out this application!
Author: Council Admin
Lutheran Association of Scouters to Meet to Plan Lutheran Scouting Retreat in April
LAS to meet on Sunday, February 23rd at 3:00 p.m. at St. John Lutheran in Charles City to plan the Lutheran Scouting Retreat on April 26th. Any adults interest in being involved in the support of the Lutheran Religious Emblems programs, other recognitions, pack/troop/crew faith experience, and much more are encouraged to attend.
Polymer Clay Makes for a Great Way to Work on Your Craftsmanship Badge
Pack 4002 out of Mason City worked on their craftsmanship badge by molding polymer clay and got to learn about citizenship from a local police officer.
Camp Staff Wanted!!
We are in need of a Head Cook, Assistant Cook, Health Officer, C.O.P.E. Director (must be 21), kitchen help, as well as instructors for the other areas and CITs.
2014 Volunteer Recognition Event Information
Information for volunteer recognition events for the Council level as well as districts. Stay tuned for information from Twin Rivers and Lakeland
Plenty of Woodbadge Opportunities in 2014 and Beyond
There are plenty of opportunities for you to take a Woodbadge course in 2014 or a following year. Want to meet new Scouters from a different Council? Now is your opportunity!