A Scout is Reverent– Scout Sunday is February 3rd. Celebrate Scouting’s 103rd anniversary on February 8th by wearing your uniform to school. Scouting displays and local news articles are encouraged. Please share your local media information with our Marketing Director, Whitney Jackley at [email protected]
Author: Council Admin
WANTED: Pinewood Derby Photos and Stories
Please submit your photos and stories to Whitney Jackley at [email protected] or your district executive.
A Big Thank You To Marv Brewster and Tony Lorsung
A big THANK YOU to Marv Brewster and Tony Lorsung for all that they do for the Boy Scouts!
Our Sympathies Go Out to the Following Families
Our Sympathies Go Out to the Following Families
Courageous Bear Scout Stays Calm When Dad Has Seizure
A courageous Bear Scout from Pack 90 in Waverly was prepared and stayed calm when his dad began having a seizure– read his own account of the story!
Registration and Reregistration News for Merit Badge Counselors
Volunteers who are properly registered as merit badge counselors can renew annually without completing an adult application; their names will appear on the district roster for renewal. Anyone who is currently unregistered, or who is registered in another position but also desires to serve as a merit badge counselor, must complete an adult application.