The Winnebago Council Shooting Sports Committee will be hosting its first Fall Shooting Sports Day at Ingawanis Adventure Base on Saturday, October 27th.
Category: News
Boy Scouts offer New Nova and Supernova Programs
The Boy Scouts of America is constantly striving to stay relevant to the needs and interests of today’s youth. With that in mind, the BSA is launching their new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) initiative with the unveiling of the NOVA and Supernova programs.
Earn Your Scientist Pin and Belt Loop at Webelos Scientist Day
Earn your scientist pin and belt loop at the Imaginarium at Webelos Scientist Day on Saturday, November 3. Experiment with Newton’s 1st Law, Explore Bernoulli’s Principle, Grow Your Own Crystals!
Voice of the Scout Surveys Released
Voice of the Scout Surveys were released on Monday, September 24th– be on the outlook for your survey in your inbox and take a few minutes to respond so we know what we can do to make you and your son’s experience in Scouting the best it can be!
Help Parents Find Local Scouting Unit for Their Kids- Populate Your Unit Pins!
Help parents and volunteers find a local Scouting pack, troop, or crew nearest them and request information about Scouting opportunities in their area- POPULATE YOUR UNIT PIN!
Information on Camp Property Sale (New Vision Task Force) is Online Now
The information on the camp property is now available for viewing online. Find it on the left hand side of any web page or follow this link: