Citizenship in the World Merit Badge
When: Sunday, March 22nd 2015
Time: 4pm – 7:30pm
Where: Wartburg College, Saemann Student Center; Waverly Iowa
Counselors: Bob Brunkhorst, Jim Ehmen and David Kuehner
Cost: $5 (includes cost of the International Fair and meal ticket)
RSVP Required:
- ð Maximum of 75 scouts
More info: Bob Brunkhorst at 319-404-2862 (cell)
Scouts will have the opportunity to earn Citizenship in the World merit badge, but more importantly have a chance to interact with over 100 international Wartburg College students from 50 different countries. This will be an interactive discussion in large and small groups, so scouts will need to review the materials in their merit badge book. This will be a fun event that allows individual scouts, patrols, or even a troop to learn more about the cultures and values in the world.
Scouts must bring the following for discussion:
- 3 b requirements completed in a 1 page report and ready to discuss
- 4.b requirements completed in a 1 page report and ready to discuss
- 4.c requirements completed and ready to discuss
- Merit badge blue card signed by their scoutmaster
Other information:
- Scouts must wear their scout shirt
- Bring a notebook and pencil/pen
- Be ready to have fun, discuss and learn!!
Thank you to Wartburg College!
Event is made possible by our host Wartburg College International Student Program which is celebrating Culture Week – March 22nd thru March 28th
Outcome: Scouts who earn the Citizenship in the World merit badge will discover that they are already citizens of the world. How good a world citizen each person is depends on his/her willingness to understand and appreciate the values, traditions, and concerns of people in other countries.