2013 Eagle Claw Youth Leader Training Conference

2013 Eagle Claw Youth Leader Training Conference

We are familiar with the time honored values of Scouting:

  • Character
  • Citizenship
  • Fitness

Parents strive to help their young people grow up to be good, honest people who are active in their communities. Scout leaders work hard to instill the values of Scouting and teach young people outdoor skills. The role of Scout councils is to support parents and Scout units by making programs available for young people that may not be practical for families or Scout units. For the last twelve years, the Eagle Claw program has taken groups of youth on high adventure trips to Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains. The Eagle Claw programs include:

  • Nationally recognized youth leadership development curriculum
  • Leave No Trace Instructor Training
  • Conservation service projects with Bighorn National Forest
  • Development of backpacking and outdoor skills
  • Visit to Mount Rushmore to promote citizenship

Each participant in Eagle Claw receives recognition for completing their training at a reunion in November. The Eagle Claw training cannot stand alone; however, it must be integrated with leadership opportunities back home. To that end, each participant in Eagle Claw must do several things to complete their commitments and earn their “claws”:

  • Serve in leadership position (school group, church group, 4H, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts, etc.)
  • Work with the organization leader to teach leadership principles to members of their group
  • Perform an act of service in their group of their own choosing, for example
    • Teach Leave No Trace
    • Organize a group outing, service project, or event
    • Teach an outdoor skill

Once these are complete, members of the Eagle Claw staff will attend a group recognition meeting to present a leather lanyard with four beads and two claws to the candidate, signifying the completion of their training and leadership commitment.

We would like to have the opportunity to visit your group and make a presentation about the program to your youth and their parents. We will bring photo albums from past trips, a display of the trips planned for this year, and there will be an opportunity to sign up for the trip. Please contact any of the following people to arrange a presentation for your group:

Barb Salisbury 319-830-3396 [email protected]
Kim Watkins 641-330-1222 [email protected]
John Winter 319-269-3423 [email protected]
Ed DePaepe 319-235-7622 [email protected]
Belle Cowden 319-266-7825 [email protected]