High COPE Update February 2013

High COPE Update February 2013

Thanks to Waverly Light & Power progress continues throughout the winter. Their crews have gotten all the poles set for the new High COPE course and the Cub Scout climbing tower. The project includes drilling holes and setting 12 new poles and screwing 17 anchors, all into the frozen ground. Scouter Brad Schmitt works for Waverly Light & Power and has been a big help in coordinating this volunteer project and seeing that this phase has progressed. In April when the ground has thawed, it will be time to move our Nitro Crossing and tear down the old course. We are all excited about the new location. Being closer to the other program areas will create more opportunities to integrate COPE with other outdoor program activities at camp.

A special thanks to Sparky Duroe and Marv Scumacher who are providing funds to purchase new poles and materials to build the new course. Without their generous support and the assistance of Waverly Light & Power, this project would not be possible.

Click here for John Winter’s design for the new High COPE course!

This is the new climbing tower and the rest of the “bowtie” design for the high course.

These two poles will be the new zipline