Important News for Twin Rivers Regarding Roundtables and More

Roundtables Every Month

Every first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m., the leaders of the Twin Rivers District will hold their Roundtable at Trinity Lutheran Church, 223 South Water Avenue in New Hampton. The District Operating Committee and Commissioner Staff will meet immediately following Roundtable.

Nominations for District Dinner

Our next Roundtable will be March 4th at which time tickets may be purchased for our Annual District Recognition Dinner on April 27th. All nominations for recognitions are due on March 15th to Jeremy Heyer, Cy Nelson, Murray Harris, or Stephen Becker.

Spring Camp Cards

IMPORTANT- Spring Camp Cards fundraiser– contact James Leffler or Stephen Becker to get your cards and begin selling soon.

OA Elections

OA Troop Elections must be cheduled ASAP with Roger Stansbery.

Friends of Scouting

2014 Family-Unit Friends of Scouting is underway. Is your unit scheduled for their presentation? If not, DO IT NOW with Stephen Becker. Be fiscally responsible!!

District Leadership VACANCIES!

There are way too many! Contact Jeremy Heyer to get involved to support our Packs, Troops, and Crews.

Clean-up your Rechartering Paperwork

Many units have yet to submit their Annual Charter Agreement, Unit Account Authorization, and/or Journey to Excellence form. Got to do so ASAP. Send to Stephen Becker’s attention.


Date is October 10-12, 2014. Get it on your calendar and plan to participate in the Camporall– details coming soon. Program-Training-FUN-Displays and more for our entire Scouting Family to celebrate at Ingawanis Adventure Base.