Ingawanis Adventure Base Reopening August 7!

Winnebago Council Scouts and Scouters,

The Winnebago Council Volunteer Board of Directors is happy to announce that Ingawanis Adventure Base (IAB) will re-open for use by registered BSA Scouts and units beginning August 7, 2020. The guidelines and requirements for use of IAB have been built using the latest information acquired from the State of Iowa Governor’s declarations, the CDC, and Blackhawk and Bremer County departments of Public Health. As the status of COVID-19 evolves, the Winnebago Council reserves the right to adjust the requirements in the aims of the safety of all individuals using Ingawanis Adventure Base. 

Units can begin registering online through the Winnebago Council Website beginning this Wednesday.

We are excited to welcome back campers to Ingawanis Adventure Base. We hope to see you soon!

Yours in Scouting
James Madison
Scout Executive/CEO
Winnebago Council, BSA