
Unit Re-chartering Orientations to be Held in October

By Council Admin | 09/04/2014

Unit Re-chartering is the annual registration process that all members of the Boy Scouts of America must complete to continue in the program. Over 90% of all Scouts and Scouters are registered through a Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, or Venturing Crew. These units must complete their re-chartering process between October and December 31 for the 2015 registration year.

Catholic Religious Emblem Counselor Training

By Council Admin | 09/03/2014

Every Scout deserves a trained leader is a quote I’m sure you have heard before. Well, now Counselor training is available for Scouters who would like to facilitate the Ad Altare Dei and/or the Pope Pius XII Religious Emblem classes.

Camporall Schedule 2014

By Council Admin | 09/02/2014

Here’s everything you need to know about Saturday, October 11, 2014 at the Camporall at Ingawanis Adventure Base!

2014 Popcorn Commitment Deadline

By Council Admin | 08/27/2014

The popcorn commitment deadline is August 29!

A Letter From Cub Scout Training Chair Adam Galbraith

By Council Admin | 08/21/2014

If you are a Den Leader, Committee Member, Cubmaster, or Assistant Cub Master, you’re going to want to read this to make sure you’re current on your training!

Sunday at the Quarry 2014

By Council Admin | 08/21/2014

Come celebrate Earth Science Week on Sunday, October 5th, 2014 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at BMC’s Sunday at the Quarry! The theme this year is “Our Natural Resources: A River Runs Through It” with an emphasis on watersheds and our resources within those watersheds.

3 Boxes of LOST ITEMS– Keeping Until the END OF AUGUST

By Council Admin | 08/19/2014

We have a plethora of shirts, swimming trunks, towels, walking stick, canteen with a name on it, water bottles, and a variety of other things were left at Ingawanis Adventure Base this summer. Please contact the office if you think you’ve lost something you can find. We will have 3 boxes in the office until the END of AUGUST and then we will toss everything!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Day Camp Committee and High Adventure Committee

By Council Admin | 08/14/2014

The council is looking to form a functioning DAY CAMP COMMITTEE and HIGH ADVENTURE COMMITTEE. If you’re interested, please contact Keely Kangas at [email protected] or by phone 319-234-2867 ext. 224.

6th Annual Nate Nicholson Memorial Trail Ride

By Council Admin | 08/14/2014

FREE TRAIL RIDES & PICNIC in memory of Nate Nicholson!!

2015 Sullivan Brothers Memorial 5k

By Council Admin | 08/14/2014

The Sullivan Brothers Races are a memorial for those, like the Sullivan Brothers, who have given their lives in service to our country and a celebration of the veterans who served our country and returned home.