Golf 2014
Our annual 24 hour golf tournament, “Birdies by Eagles”, and our regular golf tournament, “Timeless Values” Golf Tournament are coming up on May 21-22, 2014. Pledge for each birdie made or join in the fun at our regular tournament!
Earth Fair at Hartman Reserve April 27, 2014
Come help plant trees and clean up trash and then have a little fun geocaching, kayaking & canoeing, and archery!
Sad News- Volunteer Steve Schwake Has Passed Away
I am deeply saddened to report the unexpected passing of one of our dearest dedicated and most active Scouters. We learned that Steve Schwake passed away from a heart attack yesterday morning. Steve was actively serving as the Council Properties Committee Chairman. Steve was also active in OA and Sun Rivers District activities. He will be greatly missed.
Spring Has Sprung- Annual Trails Clean Up
Yes! Spring has finally sprung and that means it’s time for a little clean up! The Cedar Trails Partnership is once again sponsoring a trails cleanup from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Saturday April 26. This is a great opportunity to get out and enjoy the great outdoors and at the same time give back to the community.
Does the BSA Receive Royalties From the Irving Berlin Song “God Bless America”?
A question that is frequently asked, but is a little more complex than you may have thought.
Camporall Update– “Celebrating the Scouting Family”
A weekend of excitement and adventure designed for all ages!!
Welcome New Camp Caretakers- Hank and Kelsey Holtmeyer
Please join us in welcoming to the Council staff our new Ingawanis Adventure Base Caretaker Team, Hank and Kelsey Holtmeyer.
Wartburgs to Host “Tought Knight Mud Run” at Ingawanis Adventure Base
Wartburg is hosting “Tough Knight Mud Run” on May 17, 2014, at Ingawanis Adventure Base. You can register at by searching Tough Knight Mud Run. It is $35 and includes a t-shirt. Sign up today!
Lakeland Merit Badge College, A Success!
Lakeland Merit Badge College was a great success this year! Here are some pictures to recap the festivities.
Pack 69 Celebrates at Blue and Gold
Waverly Pack 69 celebrated the 104th anniversary of Scouting in the United States and the 51st year of it’s charter with St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on Sunday, February 16. Following an advancement ceremony and the installation of its new Cubmaster, Amber McLey, the Cubs demonstrated feats of skills, concluding with a banquet with a blue and gold cake.