Mike Broadston Takes New Position with Hawkeye Area Council in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
This is a letter from Senior District Executive to Wabuha and Sun Rivers Districts, Mike Broadston, on the position he’s taken with the Hawkeye Area Council in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
New MyScouting Tools Released
The second version of the new MyScouting Tools was recently released to the Key 3 unit and district volunteers on my.scouting.org. The new tools provide more intuitive functionality and improved navigation. It’s made easy and transparent so that volunteers can focus more on Scouting.
You’re Invited to a Farewell Open House for Mike Broadston
A farewell open house for Mike Broadston is set for Friday, October 11th from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Scout Office in Waterloo. Come to congratulate Mike and Emily and wish them luck on the next chapter in their lives!
Steve Schwake Announced as the New Properties Chair
We are actively seeking committee members and volunteers for our Properties Committee!
Rechartering is Coming Up Soon– Recharter Before the Holiday Rush!!
Online rechartering opens online on November 1, 2013, for the 2014 year.
National Council Announces Membership Fee Changes for 2014
The National Council announced that the registration fee for youth and adults in the Boy Scouts of America will be $24, effective January 1, 2014. The national registration fee was last increased in 2010.
Cadillac Lanes Welcomes the Boy Scouts of America to Their Halloween Spooktacular
October 26 from 2:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. Adult & kids costume contest, pre-carved pumpkin contest, face painting by Tracy Southall, full snack bar and beverage center, and two games of Galaxy Light Show Bowing–shoes included! Only $6 a person!
Summertime Pack Awards 2013
Pack 3090 Waverly, Pack 3017 Waterloo, Pack 4034 Rockford
We Want YOU to Share Your Opinions on Scouting Through Voice of the Scout
The fall 2013 Voice of the Scout survey cycle will launch in late September and be open through late October. Part of making this valuable program a success is to prepare your council membership by getting the word out.
The Results Are In For the Ingawanis Adventure Race 2013
Top 3 male finishers were: Seth Brown (21:48:16), Kyle Corwin (22:57:34), and Jeremy Bidwell (24:07:64). Top 3 female finishers were: Jessie Switzer (23:41:28), Kelly Sampson (24:18:92), and Brittany Lewno (26:07:33)