
Save the Date for Winnebago Council Camporall Ingawanis Anniversary Celebration

By Council Admin | 09/20/2013

Get it on your calendar and begin planning for the Winnebago Council Fall Camporall– 90th anniversary Camp Ingawanis Celebration– October 10-12, 2014

2014 Resident Camp Directors Announced!

By Council Admin | 09/19/2013

Madonna Nelson and Ryan Berg are working diligently on preparing the leaders guides and the camp promotional materials that will be distributed at October Roundtables.

Scouting Open House Night on October 29, 2013

By Council Admin | 09/18/2013

On October 29, 2013, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will host a nationwide Scouting Open House Night. On this evening, the LDS church will invite packs, troops, teams, and crews to join them as they open their doors to tell the story of Scouting in our local communities and invite youth to join this life-changing program.

Spotlight on Scouting: The Sanford Family

By Council Admin | 09/18/2013

A family of 6 Eagle Scouts and one very supportive wife and mother.

You’re Invited to Safe Kids Day!

By Council Admin | 09/18/2013

Dr. Stacey Carlin of Family Health Chiropractic invites you to Safe Kids Day

New Troop Leader Guidebooks to Replace Scoutmaster Handbook

By Council Admin | 09/18/2013

Later this year, the two-volume Troop Leader Guidebook will debut, replacing the Scoutmaster Handbook and offering helpful checklists, quick tips, and fresh ideas for both new troop leaders and veteran Scouters.

Additional Fundraising Opportunity– Profit up to $6 per Item!!

By Council Admin | 09/18/2013

If you want to give people an alternative option to the regular fall product sale of popcorn, you will want to read this!

Wood Badge 2013 is in Full Swing!

By Council Admin | 09/16/2013

Some fun pictures from Wood Badge!

Troop 1062 is Now Taking Bids to Sell Their Trailer

By Council Admin | 08/28/2013

The trailer is a Featherlite STL, single axle with one spare tire and two rear jacks. The floor measures 9’10” long x 5’8″ wide with an inside height of 6 ft. The door height is 5’5″. There is a reserved price to be met before the trailer will be sold.

Team Benny and the Jets Needs YOU

By Council Admin | 08/26/2013

We are looking for some more youth members for our team(grades 7-12) as well as adult coaches and mentors who can help make our year a success!