Winnebago Scout Shop Help Wanted
The Winnebago Scout Shop is now hiring for a part time sales associate. 1 to 15 hours per week with mostly morning shifts until 3:30 p.m. Sales experience is helpful, but not required. Please contact Billy Opperman at 319-233-5155 or email [email protected] if interested.
Banner Carriers Needed for the Sturgis Falls Parade
We are still in need of several Scouts or Scouters to be Banner Carriers during the Sturgis Falls Parade. All banner carriers will need to meet on Saturday, June 29th at 9:15 a.m. (parade begins at 10 a.m.) at the corner of 8th & Clay Streets in Cedar Falls. Each banner carrier will receive a Sturgis Falls food voucher for helping out…..
Attention Merit Badge Counselors
Attention Merit Badge Counselors: if you haven’t contacted the Waterloo Scout Office regarding your Merit Badge Counselor status please make sure you do so before it EXPIRES at the end of the month. Thank you!
Awesome STEM summer camps at UNI….and much, much more!
Science and technology camps are being offered for middle and high school students. These camps are interactive and will provide hands-on experience. Whether it’s building mini-sumo robots, learning about the physics of Mario Kart, or learning about recyclable materials for creating art, the camps promise to be engaging and a whole lot of fun!
Become a Program Aide with the Boy Scouts of America for the Summer!
Work with youth in a FUN & enjoyable environment! Scout background or knowledge is helpful, but not required! Work 2-8 hours a week earning $10/hour! Great opportunity for Education Majors!
Awards for Excellent Leaders
Jill Hennings, Cub Scouter Award; Adam Galbraith, Tiger Cub Den Leader Award
Birdies by Eagles 24 Hour Golf Marathon Kicks Off on Wednesday, May 22nd 2013
The Birdies by Eagles 24 hour golf marathon is happening again this year, but with a twist!
Looking for Project Managers for Work Days at Ingawanis Adventure Base
Looking for Project Managers for work projects on upcoming workdays at camp. Before camp we need to get things shaped up. Projects: painting wood latrines, building shelves to store winter gear. Moving brush off COPE course. Cleaning Kitchen and Dinning Hall. Next Workdays are May 4th and 18th, 8 am till we have had enough. Contact: Bret Spaulding at [email protected]
New Scout Shop Hours Take Effect May 1, 2013
New Hours are: Monday-Friday: 10:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Extra Camping Opportunities Available for Summer 2013
Second Chance Week for Boy Scouts in July– Great opportunity for a Merit Badge Work Week!! Also an opportunity for Aquatics and Shooting Sports!