
Pack 3017 Holds Safety Fair Pack Meeting in Waterloo

By Council Admin | 04/29/2013

On Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013, Pack 3017 out of Waterloo held a Safety Fair Pack Meeting. There was a fire truck, ambulance, police, and the highlight of the event– a medical helicopter that landed in the parking lot of the Kimball Avenue United Methodist Church in Waterloo!

The Newest Eagle Scouts in the Winnebago Council Through May 2013

By Council Admin | 04/29/2013

CONGRATULATIONS to the 18 new Eagle Scouts in the Winnebago Council since February 2013!!

The Winnebago Scout Shop is Looking for a Part Time Worker

By Council Admin | 04/26/2013

The Winnebago Scout shop is looking for someone to work part time days. You must have an open schedule and able to work between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. It will be approximately 4-15 hours per week. If interested contact Billy Opperman at 319-233-5155.

Voice of the Scout Statistics on Membership Policy

By Council Admin | 04/26/2013

The following document is a breakout of statistics tabulated through the Voice of the Scout survey that was distributed in the spring of 2013.


By Council Admin | 04/19/2013

These Webelos colors were in the “lost and found” pile at Ingawanis Adventure Base. Some Scout, probably a Second Year Webelos, is probably heartbroken over this loss. He has earned a total of twenty, of a possible twenty, activity badges. Make an announcement at your next pack or troop meeting.

James E. Hughes Receives LAMB Award

By Council Admin | 04/09/2013

The LAMB Award is presented by the Lutheran churches in conjunction with a Youth-Serving Agency. Individual Scouters (adults) are nominated by individuals noting the nominees’ involvement within his religious body and the youth agency as it relates directly to youth service….

Whitney’s Weekly Coming Soon!

By Council Admin | 04/08/2013

Do you sometimes feel lost about what’s going on in the Winnebago Council and crave more information? Whitney is ready to help alleviate your frustrations! Whitney’s Weekly will be a weekly e-mail blast to everyone that is on the list.*

Program Update for April 2013

By Council Admin | 04/01/2013

Benny And The Jets available to visit Packs and Troops, Summer Camp Merit Badges, Horsemanship Venturing Crew Meeting April 7th, and Camp Work Days– Help Needed!

Pack 4034 Holds Annual Pinewood Derby

By Council Admin | 03/27/2013

Cub Scout Pack 4034 held it’s annual Pinewood Derby on Saturday, March 9, 2013. At 9 a.m. the Tiger Den presented the flags, announcements were give, and Cubmaster Jason Stokes told the Cub Scouts about the beginning of the Pinewood Derby.

Troop 500 Will Be Featured in April’s Issue of Boys’ Life

By Council Admin | 03/13/2013

Troop 500 learned how to live off the land, and Boys’ Life is featuring a story about them in April’s edition! They learned how to identify plants and animals so they would have something to eat, how to purify water, and build shelters.