Red Ribbon Week Patch
Red Ribbon Week is October 23-31, 2012. Boy Scouts can earn a FREE patch from the DEA!
2012 5K Ingawanis Adventure Base Trail Run Race Results
The overall winner of the 5K Trail Run this year was Michael Western with a time of 20:23:66!
Check out the new CONSERVATION AND OUTDOOR ETHICS information on the Council Website
NEW information is available on the Conservation and Outdoor Ethics portion of our website! Education, training opportunities, links to extra information, and MORE– check it out today!
FREE Airplane Rides!!
EAA Chapter 227 is hosting a Young Eagles Rally at Livingston Aviation at the Waterloo Regional Airport Saturday, September 22, 2012, from 8:00 a.m. to noon. FREE airplane rides will be provided to young people ages 8-17.
New Eagle Scouts September 2012
15 new Eagle Scouts in September 2012!
Online Registration Credit Card Issues Resolved
We apologize for our technical difficulties with the credit card payment system over this last weekend. The issues are resolved, so please feel free to retry registering if you were declined in the past 5 or so days!
Winnebago Council High Adventure
The current plan is to not have any High Adventure programs in 2013 due to the National Jamboree. If you have not gone in the past, do not miss this. The National Jamborees’ are always incredible. This will be the first year at Bechtel Summit. How often do you get to say you were at the first National Jamboree at a new site?
Earn $200 For Your Troop!
93.5 The Mix-KVCM & The Fan- AM 1650 are putting on OktoberFest again this year! Earn $200 as a troop by working as clean-up crew!
Help Needed with the Wabuha and Twin Rivers Fall Camporee ASAP!
If you are able to assist with the upcoming Fall Camporee for the Wabuha and Twin Rivers districts, we NEED YOU to attend our planning committee meeting this Saturday, September 8th at 8:30 a.m. at the Fort. Please inform Steph Becker of your planned attendance by Thursday, September 6th at noon!
Our deepest sympathies go out to….