On November 10th Cub Scout Pack 3179 from Lincoln Elementary in Cedar Falls honored its 2nd year Webelos that had fulfilled all of the necessary requirements to earn the Arrow of Light award, the highest award in Cub Scouting. Pack 3179 had 7 members that earned this high award, they are: Azeem Akaff, son of Akaff S. Diam and Javaria; Trevor Huegerich, son of Tony and Jodie; Mahmoud Aly, son of Islam; Nathan Standing, son of Larry and Paulette; Evan Myers, son of Tony and Becky; Sam Seery, son of Brian and Jenny; and Keegan Herzmann, son of Tom and Deana.
Pack 3179 had 6 boys that joined Boy Scout Troop 500 during this ceremony as well. Pack 3179 was assisted by Troop 500 of Cedar Falls for the meeting. The boys that have now joined Boy Scouts are Azeem Akaff, Trevor Huegerich, Mahmoud Aly, Nathan Standing, Sam Seery, and Keegan Herzmann.
We know all of the boys will do their best going forward while proudly representing Boy Scouts of America and Pack 3179. Congratulations!
Arrow of Light recipients are (L to R): Azeem Akaff, son of Akaff S. Diam and Javaria; Trevor Huegerich, son of Tony and Jodie; Mahmoud Aly, son of Islam; Nathan Standing, son of Larry and Paulette; Evan Myers, son of Tony and Becky; Sam Seery, son of Brian and Jenny; and Keegan Herzmann, son of Tom and Deana.
Cub Scouts that crossed over to Boy Scouts are (L to R): Azeem Akaff, son of Akaff S. Diam and Javaria; Trevor Huegerich, son of Tony and Jodie; Mahmoud Aly, son of Islam; Keegan Herzmann, son of Tom and Deana; Sam Seery, son of Brian and Jenny; and Nathan Standing, son of Larry and Paulette. Also pictured is Den Leader Brian Seery (L) and Cub Master and Assistant Den Leader Tom Herzmann(R).