Sac-N-Fox Lodge COVID-19 UPDATE – 3/17/2020

With the ever changing circumstances surrounding COVID-19 and recommendations from the CDC to have no gatherings more than 10 people, the Sac N Fox Lodge has decided to extend the election deadlines to June 1 (at minimum). We felt this was needed based on schools cancelling for the next 4 weeks. If elections need to be rescheduled, please contact your respective chapter chief. If you have vigil recommendations, please email those to Michael Van Helten, Tyler Anderson or Ethan Hubbard as soon as possible. 

Along with extending the election deadline, we would like to get the word out that our spring fellowship is still going to be held as scheduled, at this time. As we approach the event, the lodge will be working alongside the council to make an informed decision on whether to hold that event. 

Everyone stay safe in this troubling time for our world, we will get back to what we do best when we know everyone will be safe from harm. 

Yours in Brotherhood,
Ethan Hubbard and Tyler Anderson