Sun Rivers and Wabuha Districts to merge July 1.
The Sun Rivers and Wabuha District leadership has decided to merge the two districts effective July 1st. There is a committee formed to make a recommendation on a new district name that will be presented for a vote at the May 8th Roundtable. The meeting location for Roundtables, Roundtable night, and most other aspects of the district will not be changing and will have little effect on individual units. A new district volunteer leadership structure is being developed and will be in place on July 1st.
New Cub Scout Program Structure Committee
In August of 2015 the Cub Scout program will see a major program restructuring. We are forming a committee to help packs and Cub Scout leaders understand these changes and prepare for them. Our first meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 15th at the Winnebago Council Scout Service Center in Waterloo beginning at 630 pm. We will discuss a general overview of the changes, training opportunities, future meeting dates, and start to develop a plan to get this information to every pack over the next 15 months. Anyone interested in learning more about these changes or wishing to become involved in this committee should plan on attending.