Transatlantic Council Invites You to Normandy Camporee 2014
The Normandy Camporee is open to any BSA member who would like to attend. They will accept individuals, units, and contingents. They will not accept anyone from an outside council without the approval from Winnebago Council.
The Camporee takes place on and around the monuments associated with D-Day. 2014 is the 70th anniversary of D-Day and plans to be the last major commemoration with World War II Veterans. Although it is a weekend event, it is an event that touches every America who has visited and participated. There is something about seeing thousands of youth participating, learning, talking to Veterans, that symbolizes a torch being passed to a new generation. For adults whose parents or grandparents may have participated to stand on the beach and look at the cliffs and to imagine the feelings the soldiers must have touches one’s soul; it is worth the trip! You may also have Scouters who have a special place in their heart for America’s Armed Forces. Most of our families serve our country and the Armed Services.
Click here for a PDF of information or visit as they publish new information.