An Excellent Opportunity for Scouts Working on Their Environmental Science Merit Badge

This is an excellent opportunity for Scouts to get involved with a Water Quality Testing effort to monitor water quality in the area. Since all Scouts have to earn Environmental Science Merit Badge, this activity could help in earning that merit badge. Contact Ashley Kittle at the NRCS/Soil and Water Conservation Office to volunteer. Click here for a flier.

Volunteers Needed! Upcoming Water Quality Monitoring Events!

Black Hawk Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) is partnering with IOWATER and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) volunteer water monitoring program to gather water quality data from the four branches of Dry Run Creek.

We are holding a snapshot water quality monitoring event on October 4th. Volunteers are asked to help collect water samples and data as part of this event. Since 2002, a variety of snapshot samplings have been conducted across Iowa. A snapshot sampling is when multiple sites throughout a geographic area, Dry Run Creek Watershed, are sampled within a short period of time (three hours). A snapshot provides a picture of water quality at one point in time.

Date: October 4th
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Location: Cedar Falls Tourism and Visitors Bureau 6510 Hudson Rd. Cedar Falls, 50613
RSVP: [email protected] or 319-296-3262

We will meet at the Cedar Falls Tourism and Visitors Bureau at 9:00, be given instructions on IOWATER monitoring split into small groups, given folders with site locations and directions and sent out to collect water quality data. Locations throughout town will be marked with pink flags and a site ID number.

This event is an opportunity to learn more about our neighborhoods and our environmental surroundings. Information gathered from these events allows us to more accurately treat sources of pollutants and work toward a measurable impact on improving the quality of all urban water bodies, including Dry Run Creek.

This event will take place rain or shine (so please dress accordingly). You may get wet while collecting data so please wear old shoes, sandals, or bring boots or waders if you would prefer.

For more information on this event or to RSVP please contact Ashley Kittle with the Black Hawk Soil and Water Conservation District at 319.296.3262 or [email protected]

About Black Hawk SWCD
Black Hawk Soil and Water Conservation District has been promoting conservation of natural resources to the residents of Black Hawk County, Iowa since 1945. Cost-share and other incentive-based programs have been a cornerstone of the District’s long-standing success. With the evolution of urban conservation from our agricultural roots, we now have a watershed-based project related to urban watershed management and are developing programs to directly address stormwater management concerns in developing areas and surrounding cities in Black Hawk County. It is our vision to bring local jurisdictions together to address storm water concerns, using similar approaches, consistent and coordinated drainage data, and collaboration through a central storm water committee for the county. USDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.