Winnebago Council COVID-19 Update – 3/17/2020

Dear Winnebago Scouting Family,

The following information regarding local events and prevention measures is based on the latest available guidance. As this is an evolving situation, this information is subject to change. We will continue to update you on relevant developments, and we appreciate your understanding of any necessary adjustments in the interest of health and safety.

In the meantime, should you have any questions or concerns about a specific upcoming event or activity, please reach out to your district executive. We will do everything we can to answer your question(s) using the information available to us.

Council, District and Unit Level Events

All in-person Scouting related Council, District and Unit level events of more than 10 people are hereby prohibited throughout the Winnebago Council Service Area effective immediately until March 31, 2020. This decision is based upon Governor Reynolds issuing a State of Public Health Disaster Emergency on 3.17.20.

Due to the geographic make-up of our council and ever-changing conditions in our communities, the final decision on unit activities (of less than 10 participants) will be determined by the unit committee in consultation with their chartered organization and; in some cases, their meeting facilities until such time as new guidance’s are issued by the CDC and/or the Iowa Department of Public Health. Please keep this in mind when making any determination on your Scouting activity. NOTE: This is subject to change.

We strongly encourage all of our Scouts and Scouters on the district, unit, and council level to consider using technology to continue with as many of their regularly normally scheduled meetings and events as possible. Free or low-cost options include Free Conference CallSkype, and Google Hangouts.

Here is some additional information regarding upcoming council events and programs:

Summer Camp Staff Interviews 3.21.20 at Ingawanis Adventure Base 4-6 PM

Open interviews for Summer Camp Staff positions at Ingawanis Adventure Base on March 21, 2020 from 4-6 PM will still be conducted. Interviews will take place at the Directors Lodge at Ingawanis Adventure Base. In keeping health and safety in mind we ask all visitors to wait in their vehicles, parked in the lot adjacent to the Directors Lodge for their turn for an open interview. A staff member will come to your vehicle and invite the interviewee into the Directors Lodge for a face to face interview.

Spring & Summer Programs

Currently, all Spring & Summer programming – Spring Fling, day camps, summer camps, etc. – will continue as planned. We continue to prepare for these programs and look forward to welcoming all our Scouting families this spring and summer.

If you have a fever, cough, or other symptoms associated with COVID-19, or if you believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19, you should isolate and not attend any Scouting events. People who think they may have been exposed to COVID-19 should contact their healthcare provider immediately.

Yours in Scouting,

Jim Madison
Scout Executive/CEO
Winnebago Council, BSA